Wednesday 31 August 2011

2 simisage

Simisage has 90 hp and 2 moves called fires power and seed bomb.
attack 1: fires power deals 30 damage and if the defending pokemon has any fire energy attached to it that pokemon is now burned.
attack 2: seed bomb deals 60 damage and has no effects.
Simisage gas a weakness of x2 towards fire and a resistance of -20 towards water simisage has a retreat cost of  2 colorless energy.
Simisage has a number of 2 of 98 from the pokemon black and white emerging powers set.


thundurus is an electric type pokemon and is a ultra rare from the emerging powers set.
Thundurus has 110 hp and 2 move called charge and disaster bolt.
charge: search your deck for a lightning energy and attach it to this pokemon shuffle your deck afterwards.
disaster volt: deals 80 damage and you discard an energy attached to this pokemon.
Thundurus has a weakness to fighting of x2 and has no resistance.
the retreat cost of Thundurus is 1 colorless energy.
Thundurus has  a number of 97 of 98 from the pokemon black and white emerging powers set.

Saturday 27 August 2011


 Cubchoo has 70 hp and is a basic water pokemon, it also has 2 attacks called rest and powder snow.
Attack 1: powder snow deals 10 damage and lets you flip a coin  if heads the defending pokemon is now asleep.
Attack 2: rest lets you heals 60 damage from this pokemon and this pokemon is now asleep.
cubchoo has a weakness to metal of x2 and has no resistance it also has a retreat cost of 2 colorless.
Cubchoo has a number of  28 of 98 from the pokemon black and white emerging powers set.


 Wirlipede has 90 hp and 2 attacks called venoshock and steamroller.
Attack 1:deals 10+ damage and if the defending pokemon is poisoned ,this attack does 60 more damage.
attack 2:deals 40 damage and this attack isn't affected by weakness and resistance.
Wirlipede has a weakness to psychic of x2 and has no resistance Wirlipede also has a retreat cost of 3 colorless.
Wirlipede has a number of 30 of 90 from the black and white emerging powers set

Friday 26 August 2011

58 throh

Throh is a strong basic pokemon of 90 hp and 1 attack which is called scarf hold it deals 30 damage and also lets you flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon can't attack during your opponents next turn.
throh has a weakness to psychic of x2 and has no resistance throh also has a retreat cost of 2 colorless.
throh has a number of 58 of 98 from the black and white emerging powers set.


Woobat has 60 hp and is a basic psychic type it also has 1 attack called psy bolt it lets you deal 20 damage and you flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is now paralyzed.
Woobat has a weakness to psychic of x2 and has no resistance, woobat has a retreat cost of 1 colorless.
Woobat has a number of  36 of 98 from the black and white emerging powers set.


Cottonee has 40 hp and is a grass basic pokemon it has 1 attack called absorb it lets you deal 10 damage then heal 10 damage from cottonee.
It has a weakness to fire of x2 and a resistance to water of -20 and a retreat cost of 1.
Cottonee is number 9/98 from the emerging powers set.

Thursday 25 August 2011


nidorino has a hp of 80 and 2 attacks they are called horn attack and lunge.
attack 1: horn attack needs 2 colorless energy to use it and does 30 damage.
attack 2: lunge needs 1 psychic and 2 colorless and it does 80 damage and the effects are flip a coin if tails this attack does nothing.
nidorino has a weakness of x2 to psychic and has no resistance it has a retreat cost of 1 energy. its number is 46/102 from the triumphant set.


unown is a basic pokemon and has 50 hp and 1 poke power and 1 attack.
poke power: cure.... once during your turn when you put unown from your hand onto your bench, remove all special conditions from your active pokemon.
attack: hidden power... it uses 1 psychic energy and does 10 damage.
unown has a weakness of x2 and does not have a resistance.
Unown has a retreat cost of 1 colorless.
The number of unown is 51/102 from the triumphant set.


lucario has 90 hp and is a stage 1 pokemon it has 2 attacks called...
dimension sphere which uses 2 colorless energy and does 30 damage plus 20 damage for each of your pokemon in the lost zone.
sky uppercut it uses 3 energy 2 fighting and 1 colorless it does 70 damage and this attack isn't affected by weakness and resistance.
Lucario has a weakness to psychic of x2 and has no resistance. Lucario has a retreat cost of 1 energy.
Lucario is number 14/95 from the call of legends set.

new pokemon set hitting the stores in november

New theme decks announced for a brand new collection hitting the store i have no clue which pokemon there will be and which pack artworks go forward. this is just found out about news and is being played in the prerelease in October hope everyone will enjoy this new set and keep collecting :)


kyogre is a special type of card in this set and is part of 11 of them. Kyogre has 100hp and 1 attack.
destructive tsunami: this attack allows you to do flip a coin if heads do 40 damage to each of your opponents pokemon, If tails this attack does 40 damage to each of your pokemon. This move needs 4 water energy to use.
kyogre has a weakness to electric of x2 and has no resistance. Kyogre has a retreat cost of 5 colorless energy. Kyogre number is SL6 from the call of legends set.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

pokemon black and white emerging powers

finally pokemon black and white emerging powers has been in shops and people are psyched to see the new cards. the new ultra rares are thundurus and tornadus. and includes brand new holographic cards. It includes 3 extra legendary pokemon called virizion, terrakion and cobalion.
there are also versions of thundurus and tornadus just like the zekrom and reshiram holographic.


swampert is a rare holographic card that is number 13/147 of the supreme victors set it is level 60 and has 130p and 3 moves. 
1. poke body root protector which lets you protect swampert from your opponents pokemon that haven't evolved is reduced by 20.
2. drag off does 30 damage and also lets you before doing damage you may switch your opponents active pokemon for one of their benched pokemon.
3. push over does 60+ damage. It lets you do 60 damage plus 10 more for each fighting energy on swampert.
Swampert has a retreat of  2 colorless and weakness of +30 towards grass type,swampert doesn't have a weakness. 

articuno reprint

this is the last reprint card of the set that's right its articuno it has 70 hp and has 1 attack.
diamond dust: it does 20 damage and lets you flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is now paralyzed and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponents benched  pokemon it doesn't have a weakness but it has a resistance to fighting of - 30.
Articuno number is 148/147 from the supreme victors set.                                                                

Moltres reprint

this pokemon card moltres is very rare to get in the set but when you get it you want to keep hold of it.
Moltres has a hp of 70 and 1 attack.
hyper flame: it does 60 damage and lets you flip a coin if heads discard 1 fire energy of moltres if tails discard all energy of moltres.
moltres doesn't have a weakness but it has a resistance to fighting of - 30.
moltres number is 149/147 from the supreme victors set.

Zapdos reprint

this zapdos is one of three rarest cards in the set. this pokemon card is a reprint they are highly rare and you may get about 1 in every booster box maybe i am not sure.
it's name is Zapdos and is level 30 it has a hp of 70 and only has 1 attack.
lightning burn: it does 30 damage and lets you flip a coin if heads this does 30 damage to one of your opponents benched pokemon if tails zapdos does 30 damage to itself.
Zapdos number is 150/147 this comes from the supreme victors set 

zapdos G

This is Zapdos g it is a galactic pokemon and is owned by the leader Cyrus.
Zapdos has 90hp and has 2 attacks the first is charge beam it does 10 damage and lets you flip a coin if heads search your discard  pile for an energy card and attach it to zapdos. The other move is called lightning strike it does 40 damage and you may (only if you want to) discard all lightning energy of Zapdos g, if you do this attacks base damage is 80 not 40.
Zapdos has a weakness to lightning of x2 and a resistance to fighting of -20.
Zapdos number is is 12/99 from the pokemon platinum arceus set.
Zapdos is a normal holographic rare.

arceus fire has 80 hp which is better than some of the others and is lv 100.
It has 1 move called bright flame it does 80 damage but you have to discard 2 energy if the coin lands on tails.
it has a weakness to water of x2 and has no resistance which is bad but i can come in handy some times.
arceus fires number is AR3 and comes from the pokemon platinum arceus set you may also get this card from a theme deck.

AR1 Arceus

this arceus is part of the same set as before and well lets get started.
First arceus darkness has 70hp which is not bad but for a legendary.
again you may have as many cards as you like in a deck.
it has 1 attack which does 20 + damage it lets you if you have more prize cards left than your opponent this attack does 20 + 60 more.
that move is good but it is sort of a last tackle move.
arceus has a weakness of fighting of x2 and a resistance to psychic of -20.
arceus number is AR1 and comes from the pokemon platinum arceus set.

pokemon card arceus lightning

this arceus is part of a set of 9 this is just 1 of them i will probably be reviewing the rest soon so lets get started.
first of all arceus hp is 70, a bit low for a legendary pokemon but you can use the level x for more hp.
the only move it has is lightning turn which lets you switch arceus with 1 of your benched pokemon.
you may have as many of this card in your deck instead of 4 so you could have 6 or maybe even 7.
It has a weakness to fighting of x2 and a resistance to metal of -20 this card is from the pokemon platinum arceus set and doesn't have an official  number. it's number is AR6. this pokemon is lv 100.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

pokemon black and white

This is the newest pokemon game out in the UK it is home to 150 new pokemon including the new 3 starters snivy, tepig and oshawott. they are each presented to you by the professor herself juniper. When you get further in the game you will come across zekrom or reshiram depending on which one you brought zekrom is pokemon white and reshiram is pokemon black simples. there are also other legendary like cobalion and virizion and terrakion. there are also ones that you can chase all around unova called thundurus and tornadus again depending on which one you brought. Thundurus is pokemon white and tornadus is pokemon black.     

zekrom tin black and white

Zekrom tin.
Zekrom tin has 4 booster packs inside you also get the zekrom promo cards which has 130 hp outrage and bolt strike. you will be guaranteed 41 cards in the entire tin i am not sure which packs you get i thing you get 2 black and white and 2 heartgold soulsilver. This will be handy for completing your collection  and even if you are just staring you can use it as a collection box for your new cards. this is exactly the same as the reshiram tine but you get the reshiram promo instead of the zekrom promo.

this pokemon card level x is called electivire it has a health of 120 hp and has a poke body called shocking tail what it lets you do is as long as electivire is your active pokemon your opponent put 1 energy from their hand and attaches it to a pokemon put 2 damage counters on that pokemon.
the last move is called pulse barrier it does 50 damage and the effect is discard all your opponents pokemon tool and stadium cards in play if you do prevent all effect and damage done to electivire during your opponents next turn. Electivire has a retreat cost of 3 colorless energy and has a x2 weakness to fighting and has a -20 resistance to metal. Electivire is number 121 /123 from the mysterious treasures set.

Monday 22 August 2011

this pokemon card has 110 hp and has a poke body called insight what happens is if you have the same amount of cards in your hand as your opponent all of yanmega's attacks are 0 energy cost so you can use any move for free. the next move is linear attack it lets you choose any of your opponents pokemon and does 40 damage to that pokemon obviously weakness and resistance does not count for benched pokemon.
the last move is sonicboom  this does 70 damage but it isn't affected by weakness and resistance. the retreat cost of yanmega is 0

emboar is a fire pokemon which has 150hp it also has an ability called inferno fandango it lets you attach as many fire energy from your hand onto one of your pokemon you may do this as many times as you like.
the move it has is called heat crash what is does is basically 80 damage to the defending pokemon this version of the card is better because: 1: it has an ability. 2: heat crash does 30 more damage than what it would usually do.

pokemon card zekrom 114/114

 pokemon card zekrom has a health of 130hp and has a move called outrage which does 20 damage more than it has on itself. It also has the move blot strike which does a whopping 120 damage but it also does 40 damage to itself. be weary when using this move.